4240 Blue Ridge Boulevard, Suite 301 Kansas City MO 64133

  • Take the first step by making a confidential call816-205-8050

We offer both in-person, and remote telehealth appointments. Please call our offices to schedule a consultation.

Kansas City: 816-205-8050

Suboxone Treatment FAQs

At Midwest Health Center there is no set frequency for appointments. Initially, many patients benefit from being seen every week, or every other week. As you build success in treatment, office visits can be spread out further. But we will work with you, from the beginning, to find a treatment schedule that best suits your needs.

We DO NOT accept insurance for office services. However, insurance may greatly reduce your out-of-pocket pharmacy costs for Suboxone, and other prescribed medication.

We will work with you to try to make treatment as affordable as possible for you.

No! Our practice model is built around a single monthly fee for office visits and services. Whether you are seen twice a week or once a month, the cost to you is the same. Our goal is to provide you with whatever support you need, We offer unlimited phone support, and as many office visits as you feel you need (subject to scheduling limitations).

No Problem. Feel free to call for an initial, no-obligation consultation.

Currently, we do not prescribe or dispense methadone. We CAN help you develop a treatment program centered around Vivitrol injections.

Opiate recovery Doctor