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opioid treatment programs in St Louis & Kansas City

suboxone treatment in Overland Park Kansas | What to expect from your first suboxone treatment?

suboxone treatment in Overland Park Kansas

What to expect from your first suboxone treatment?

You’ve decided to begin your journey to recovery. Congratulations! Recovery from addiction is not easy, and the first day especially can be nerve-wracking and overwhelming. After all, it is the beginning of hard work and major lifestyle changes. Who wouldn’t be uneasy? One thing you should keep in mind, though, is that while the changes may be uncomfortable, the ultimate rewards you reap will certainly be worth it. If you are dependent on opioids, suboxone treatment is a great option for recovery. Here is what you can expect from your first suboxone treatment in Overland Park, Kansas. But first things first:


 What is suboxone treatment?

Suboxone is a prescription medication combining two drugs: buprenorphine and naloxone. Both drugs are FDA-approved for opioid treatment. Buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist, blocks the opiate receptors, reducing one’s cravings for opioids. Naloxone, on the other hand, blocks the euphoric and sedative effects of opioids, preventing feelings of euphoria. Together, the two drugs help prevent withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid addiction.


Initial appointment

Everybody’s first day of treatment is a little different. However, the goal is mostly the same – establishing the right suboxone dose for you. Before you get on the treatment, one will need to be in withdrawal. This is important as taking the regimen while you still have opiates in your system or if you are not in the early stages of withdrawal can cause more severe withdrawal symptoms. Once you are in withdrawal, you can now begin treatment. The first appointment will involve a lot of questions and a few tests to determine the best treatment plan for you. Your physician will take a detailed history of your overall physical health and addiction struggles. Based on this, they will determine if you are a fit candidate for suboxone treatment.


First-day of suboxone treatment

As mentioned earlier, the first suboxone treatment is intended to establish the right dose for you. The first dose is generally usually an estimate factoring in aspects such as one’s weight, height, health status and drug use history. For this reason, it’s imperative for you to be forthcoming on all the questions your doctor asks you during the intake process. Suboxone is a first-acting drug, and you should begin feeling the effects within twenty to sixty minutes after taking the first dose. Your physician will adjust your dose accordingly until they effectively reduce your withdrawal symptoms. The induction process typically takes about one to two days. Some people tend to feel a lot better after the first day of treatment. Suboxone is a sublingual medication, meaning it must go under your tongue and dissolve for it to be effective.


The bottom line is that suboxone treatment is effective at treating opioid addiction, provided you take it as prescribed. If you or a loved one are dealing with opioid addiction, Midwest Health Center can help. We offer exclusive access to suboxone treatment in Overland Park, Kansas, and we are more than happy to help you throughout your road to recovery. Get in touch with us today to book your first appointment.