Common Signs You May Be Suffering From PTSD
suboxone treatment in Overland Park Kansas
For a lot of people, the term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often evokes thoughts of frontline combatants. In fact, the condition is sometimes referred to as shell shock or combat stress. What you might not know is that anyone can suffer from PTSD. After a traumatic event, you might find yourself feeling anxious, on edge, frightened, or disconnected, which is perfectly normal. Most people start to feel better after a couple of weeks or months. However, sometimes, the upset might fail to wither away. In this case, you might be suffering from PTSD. As a leading provider of outpatient suboxone treatment in Overland Park Kansas, in this article, we discuss some of the most common signs and symptoms of PTSD to help you recognize the issue and pursue the professional treatment you deserve.
What is PTSD?
PTSD is a mental health condition that develops among people who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events. As of 2022, about 12 million people in the U.S experience PTSD in any given year. Certain factors increase a person’s risk of developing PTSD. These include child abuse or neglect, history of abuse, family history of depression or PTSD, lack of social support, poor coping skills, and more. It’s worth noting that not everyone who lives through a traumatic event will go on to develop PTSD. But some experiences can be just too overwhelming to simply move past them. If left untreated, PTSD can affect every aspect of your life in irreversible ways.
Common Signs and Symptoms of PTSD
Everyone’s experience of PTSD is different. Unlike a rash or broken arm, PTSD can be hard to identify. Here are some of the signs you should look out for.
Relieving the experience
Re-experiencing is the most common symptom of PTSD. This is where a person gets intrusive thoughts of the traumatic event either in the form of flashbacks, nightmares, physical sensations like pain, or memories. These thoughts can be so vivid that people might feel as though they are re-living the traumatic experience.
The last thing people with PTSD want is to remember their traumatic experience. Hence, they strive to steer clear of everything that reminds them of it. It could be certain places or people. Sometimes, people with PTSD will even generally avoid everyone – not just the ones connected to the event.
Emotional numbing
Emotional numbing is a coping mechanism in which a person deals with their feelings by trying to not feel anything at all. In short, one detaches, disconnects, or numbs out the feelings related to the event. Unfortunately, ultimately, a person might become isolated, withdrawn, and disconnected from the rest of the world.
Changes in cognition and mood swings
The world can seem like a very dangerous place to people with PTSD. As a result, they may develop distorted beliefs about themselves, others, or the traumatic event. A person may feel hopeless, numb, or bad about themselves. Thoughts of suicide can come and go as well.
Behavioral changes
PTSD can leave people with an altered state of anxiety. One’s emotion can become more intense, or they may react differently than they normally would. Doctor’s call these “arousal symptoms.” These symptoms may include trouble sleeping, overwhelming guilt, always being on guard for danger, being easily startled or frightened, and self-destructive behaviors.
Get Help
PTSD can have profound impacts on a person’s life. So, if you suspect that you or a loved one has PTSD, you need to seek out a licensed clinical psychologist. For those whose PTSD has led them into opioid addiction, we can help. We provide personalized, outpatient suboxone treatment in Overland Park Kansas, giving everyone the chance, they deserve to overcome opioid addiction. Take the first step today by reaching out to our suboxone clinic to speak to one of our representatives.