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opioid treatment programs in St Louis & Kansas City

How To Avoid a Relapse

How To Avoid a Relapse

Drug addiction is chronic, but it is also treatable. That said, like any disease, the chances of relapsing always looms. It is a normal part of recovery, and it does not mean that you will not recover from your addictions. There is still something you can do to avoid a relapse. Here are a few expert tips to help you prevent a relapse when you are undergoing recovery.

  1. Undergo medical detox

Quitting drugs and alcohol abuse comes with a lot of withdrawal symptoms. As the first step towards recovery, you will need to undergo a detoxification process. A detox helps remove the traces of drugs and alcohol from your system to ensure you are ready and physically stable to start your recovery therapy. It helps to minimize the effects of withdrawal symptoms to lead to a more comfortable and holistic recovery. There are many ways to detox, but the most effective is undertaking a medically assisted detox with trained specialists’ support.

Medically assisted detox often happens in a specialist detoxification clinic or facility with health professionals like doctors, nurses, and other caregivers. While it is possible to do it on your own, the chances of recovery are barely successful at the most, and the failed attempts could demotivate you on your path to recovery. This could lead to a worse relapse than you had before.

Luckily, with Suboxone treatment, you can have a medically assisted detox without going to an in-patient facility.  Suboxone (Buprenorphine) treatment helps recovering drug addicts manage their recovery and reduce their dependency on drugs. It works exceptionally well for opioids addictions, and you can enjoy its benefits with outpatient care.  If you need help getting off opioids, suboxone treatment is the best because it has a low risk of abuse or dependency on it. It has a high success rate in reducing your cravings and withdrawal symptoms and is more affordable in the long run since you will probably need a few sessions and no in-patient care at a suboxone clinic.

  1. Be part of individual and group therapy

It is imperative that you take part in therapy to prevent a relapse. When you attend individual and group therapy, you will learn what motivates your drugs and alcohol abuse. You will also be taught how to cope with challenges in your addiction recovery and how to cope with triggers for your addiction. It all starts with a medical detox at a drug treatment facility. Once you are over your withdrawal symptoms and urges to consume drugs and other intoxicating substances, you can begin a wholesome addiction recovery through therapy. It will address your reasons for drug abuse and help you process them so you won’t need drugs anymore.

  1. Build the right support frameworks

The secret to avoiding relapse is to have a robust support system around you to help during addiction recovery. After a visit to the drug treatment center, having people to reach out to who can relate to your struggle and support your endeavors to remain drug-free is essential. A positive support network is necessary because you need to have healthy positive vibes around you during the low points in your recovery. They can help you follow your treatment regimes, motivate you to reconnect with the people who matter to you, and remind you why getting sober is a great decision to take.

Most people find support in friends, peer support groups, and family members. The most efficient by far has been through peer support groups—here, recovering addicts meet voluntarily to share experiences, knowledge, and coping strategies. That said, you are always free to choose the support frameworks that best suits you because, after all, addiction recovery is down to the individual.