We understand that opioid addiction is tough to beat and know that to do it successfully, you will need support. That is why National Suboxone Doctors are here for you and will confidentially work with you to start your recovery journey. With offices in Kansas City and St Louis, you can choose the location that best suits your circumstances and start to get the help that you need and deserve.
How Our Service Works
When you come to our Midwest Health Centre, you will meet a team of professionals who are motivated to help you achieve your goals. You will always be given the respect and dignity you deserve and can look forward to working with a team of people who understand what you are going through and know how to help you in the best possible way.
We take your privacy seriously and will always arrange your appointments in such a way that this is respected. This means scheduling sessions in a way that you do not have to see other people when arriving and by offering more than one location so that you can go where suits you the best. We know that addiction is an illness and will work to treat you so that you can move forward into recovery as smoothly as possible.
Outpatient Suboxone Treatment
Our method of treatment is to use Suboxone (Buprenorphine HCI and Naloxone HCI) to provide you with an outpatient experience that allows you to tackle your addiction without the need for an in-patient stay. This means that you can maintain your focus on other areas of your life without having to block out days and weeks to begin your recovery.
Suboxone works to reduce your cravings so that you do not feel the need to use opioids, helping you to avoid the dangers of relapse. All our treatment plans are designed to support your individual needs. They can be coupled with mental health support so that you can begin to understand your reasons for initially becoming addicted and help you to create coping strategies that you can use now and in the future.
Take The First Step Today
Taking the first step in any recovery plan is not easy, but we are here to help you and will support you at every step of your journey. Simply contact our Midwest Health Centre today to discuss your situation and arrange an initial appointment. You will not be asked to disclose in-depth personal information over the phone, and we will always work to schedule your appointments at a time that works for you.
Take the first step on the road to recovery today and let us help you manage your addiction so that you don’t have to miss out on the joy that life can bring. Call us today; we are sure you will not regret it.